Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

6.1.2021 Finance Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson (3:40), and Commissioner Gulmon.

Department Reports

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported one outage.  Finished up the underground in Webster Subdivision.  Finished the alley rebuild and will be getting some locates called in Donny’s subdivision.  Bad news is that our downtown sub, one transformer is out of commission.  Waiting for a quote from HDR.  I would like to convert it to a 115 line vs the 69 line so reinsulate some new poles and possibly a transformer.

Sanitation Supervisor Swart reported the numbers for clean-up week.  We brought in 164.10 tons of garbage since September’s clean-up week and inert was 77.74 tons.

Kevin Jacobson reported for the street department.  Stated there was a little bit of a pressure problem but that’s worked out.  Seemed to be a bad PRV.  We’re working with Grotberg on getting the fire pumps up on both Crestwood and the Industrial Park. 

Water Superintendent Hesch reported the demand for water is going up.  We trying to let people know if they are going to water, please do it in the morning or evening so it can soak into the ground.  Try not to water every day.  Your grass needs to learn to handle the stress in case there is a reason any restrictions have to go on in the future.  Also, for those that fertilize your grass with your hose, get a vacuum breaker on your hose so there isn’t any chance of the fertilizer getting sucked back into the hose and ending up in the system.

Fire Chief Magnuson stated the Fire Department will be holding their Dedication Ceremony June 19th.

Police Chief Hatcher reported they did some interviews for the open position.  We now have two open positions as another officer has submitted her resignation.  We’ve worked through a few junk areas with the Street Department.  The notices are going out and we’re notifying them and have been trying to work with them to get it cleaned up.

Review monthly bills/reports   

We have just under $1.3 million in bills and expenditures for May.

Discuss NDDOT Urban Grant Program

Chad Petersen from KLJ we have tapped into this program with the Phase I project on Central Ave along with the current project on Main Street.  This is a competitive grant program.  When we started we were just looking at using it for the Streetscape project but there are other components that are in the focus area that could benefit from this.  I wanted to see if there is interest in pursuing this.

Discuss Change Orders for 7th and 2nd

City Administrator Crawford stated change orders will be presented differently than before.  Instead of just one lump sum of a change order at the end we will discuss the change orders as we go so everyone can understand where they are coming from.  The first one is us contracting out removal of trees in order to get to the services.  The next one was the manholes.  We had to go up sizes on the pipes and make the manholes bigger because of the pipes.  There’s no way to know this until you get down to in there to see it.  The next was we knew how many services we had but we didn’t know a lot of the PVC pipe went from a house to clean-up.  There were about 14 services that looked like they would be PVC but when they got in there it was clay tile.  Approval was given for the clay tile being replaced with PVC. 

Discuss 2nd Ave SE in Front of Senior Center

City Administrator Crawford stated this was actually going to be done last fall with the project on 5th but with the plant shutting down early due to the snow it didn’t get done.  Now we have two different projects going on with two different companies that we’ll get quotes done and then it will be done in October.  The money had already been set aside but we may get a better deal this year.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

4.6.2021 Finance Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, and Commissioner Gulmon.

Others present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Deputy Auditor Klein, Public Works Accountant/Manager Jacobson, City Assessor Hansen, Fire Chief Magnuson, Police Chief Hatcher, Chad Petersen from KLJ, Electrical Superintendent Senf, Operations Superintendent Klemisch, Sanitation Supervisor Swart, Water Superintendent Hesch

1.  Commission Topics

            b. Discuss Housing Incentives.

            Discussion took place around Housing Incentives.

            a. Discuss Funds for Dam Signage.

            Discussion took place regarding the City Engineer position.

2.  Department Reports:

            Water Superintendent Hesch reported we have been getting updated rules on the lead and copper     revision.  There will be more testing and a big part of it will be doing an inventory of each house in       town.  We’ll have to see what their feed is into their houses.

            Electrical Superintendent Senf reported only one outage due to a squirrel last month.  The guys are   pulling the underground lines for the Fine Arts Building.  We had an issue with the rolling black outs.      The downtown sub worked perfectly, the south sub we have a bank of batteries and when the power       goes out the way it did we have no way of controlling the breakers.  When they kicked us on, everything came on at once and we saw a spike in our peak.  Presented the three quotes for batteries. Cable and transformer quotes and stated his recommendations.  Electrical Superintendent      Senf also requested increasing his spending limit.  The quotes are only good for seven days and by the        time it goes through for approval it’s passed that time.

            Sanitation Supervisor Swart reported we have a new employee, Troy Redding, and are now fully      staffed.  A couple of reminders on the 24 hour collection site.  We have seen an increase of wood            going instead of just trees.  It is for grass and leaves on the east side and branches on the west side.  Also, do not put dirty wood chips or anything in the wood chip pile.  That’s for residents to come and    take and use and we have had people dumping sawdust, scrap pieces of wood, gravel and dirt.  We do      have cameras are picking up some of this.  We had a gentleman that dumped fence posts in the tree branches and he did have to come back and clean it up and haul it into the landfill.  Clean up week is   May 24th-28th.  Please make sure garbage is out by 7AM and keep the areas clean around the            dumpsters. 

            City Administrator Crawford added starting cleanup week early is not allowed.  If there are couches,               other items out on the curb they will be sent a letter asking to clean it up or we will go ahead and do            that for them but it will be at a 2-person lift fee which is $35.

             Operations Superintendent Kelmisch reported the well has been drilled and the stem is in place.       Our plan is to go straight west from the well and tie in the pipe we have there.  We don’t have a date            yet, it will probably be another month or so.  The old site will be capped and we plan to use the panel           for the new one.  We started crack sealing Main Street for the upcoming seal coat this summer.  After          that we’ll probably move on to painting to freshen up Main Street and some other down town areas.

Fire Chief Magnuson reported fire extinguisher services have been great.  We got back into our training program which is good.  It’s been nice to have everyone back together.  We picked our new officers for the year, I will get that emailed.  We met with the County Commission this morning about the building.  They basically declined the dollar amount and now want to work on a rental agreement.  They did extend the burn ban with the stipulations that they will enforce the penalty.  It was relayed to the Sheriff’s office to write a $1500 ticket if you are burning. 

Police Chief Hatcher reported the windows have been put in the police station.

3.-6. Were covered in Electrical Superintendent Senf’s department report.   

7.  Discuss Forester-Employee vs Contractor.

            City Attorney Martineck stated it will be a little more than that.  To start with the Forester is a                   position.  We’re expected to pay him about $7,200 this year plus the cost of tools and      reimbursement for a couple of training programs.  When we looked into it more it seemed like            there would be some overlapping on what we would have an employee do compared to an      independent contractor and he’s really bordering on an employee.  There’s a proposed salary     schedule if we created a part-time, seasonal employee.  We created an E21 Forester position.  It      would be step 1 to step 25 like every other position except instead of a step increase every year, it          would be a step increase every 5 years.  There would still be a COLA increase every year as long as approved by the Commission.  We would be looking at 350 hours/year max so we’d be well           below where we’d have to pay health insurance or any other benefits. In order to get it at            approximately the $7,250 where he’d be contracted at, we’d probably place the current forester at step 10 or 11 which would be $21/hr.  At 20 hours a week from May 15th –September 15th there     would be about 348 hours and then he also said he would be willing to do some work in the off             season which is expected to be under 10 hours.  Over the course of the year if you paid him at      $21/ hour is would be about $7300 versus $7250.  The only other changes would be a slight   increase to WSI and then the employment taxes.  Also wanted to touch on 2 other positions.  The        first is the seasonal Public Works laborer.  It’s been starting at $11/hr.  It’s not competitive       anymore.  The proposal is to add a new position with a formal job description.  Put it on the           salary schedule stating at $14 max of $16.  There would be a COLA increase annually if          improved by the commission and we would give credit to those that come back.  The other is an   increase to the Sanitation Specialist I.  There would be a new A13 level for people that get their        Class A CDL.  The idea is to add a level where a sanitation employee with a Class A CDL would        get a $1 differential per hour.

8.  Discuss Road to Landfill Coop. 

            City Administrator Crawford stated there was discussion on the road to the land fill.  The township said at one time there was an oral agreement no one has any proof of anything so we            said let’s move forward.  We came to the agreement that the City will put the gravel on the road           and the cost for that will be split in half.  The County will grade it and we will be adding chloride        and the cost of the chloride will be split.  The chloride for year two will be provided by the City and going forward everything will be equally split.  This will only be up to the landfill gate.

9.  Quarterly Review of City Engineer Contract.

            City Administrator Crawford stated she took the engineering invoices and compared them to what            our contract for the year will be and for the quarterly report.  For now everything is still in      accordance with what we are looking.  Going forward we may swap the planning portion of what        their max is and the general engineered but as long as the full portion is still $87,000 that’s the most important part.

10.  VCFD Building Update-covered in Fire Chief Magnuson’s department report.

11.  Discuss Utility Bills Staying with the Property.

            PW Manager Jacobson reported we have customers that don’t want to pay.  Looking back to     2017, since then we have turned over $71,700 of bad debt to our collection agency.  In our    current process the fees we pay if they collected everything for us would be $25,000 that we     would be out of the money that we shouldn’t have been.   Currently we have collected just over     $17,000.  Even if we collect it or they collect it, if we sent it to them they still get their fee.  We          still have $54,000 remaining in debt and the older it gets the less chance there is of us collecting. 

            City Administrator Crawford continued that a lot of this comes from people moving out and not   paying their final bills.  I would like to propose that we do an ordinance change that the bills stay        with the property.  So if someone rents the home and moves out and doesn’t pay the bill that is on            the homeowner, not the City.  If you’re looking at it from a taxpayers viewpoint, that’s $70,000   that could have been going through the City helping with other things.  The other part is that if          someone gets their water or electricity shut off and no one lives there for a couple years that has         to get caught up before it gets turned back on so you’re guaranteed to get that money back.    Another thing that may be a little different is if a realtor is looking to sell a certain property they   would call over to check if there was an outstanding balance on utilities and put it as part of the        closing. 

12.  Discuss Resolution for Modifications to the Electric Rates.

            PW Manager Jacobson stated that we are asking for a change to the resolution on the electric       rates.  We are not asking to increase the rate.  We just want some housekeeping type changes.  The only change to a rate is on page 3.  We’re asking to change the Green Energy Adder rate.     Moving it from 0.5 cents per KWH to 0.1 cent per KWH based on what we are getting charged from MRES.  The other changes are just to wording on the lighting rentals and putting back in wording for the large power demand credit.

            City Attorney Martineck added that the last paragraph of the resolution should be taken out.


The meeting was adjourned at ­4:24 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

5.4.2021 Finance Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson (3:38), and Commissioner Gulmon.

Others present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Deputy Auditor Klein, Public Works Accountant/Manager Jacobson, City Assessor Hansen, Fire Chief Magnuson, Police Chief Hatcher (4:00), Chad Petersen from KLJ, Electrical Superintendent Senf (4:00), Operations Superintendent Klemisch, Sanitation Supervisor Swart, Water Superintendent Hesch (4:00)

7.  Discuss offer for Purchase of Property Located at 476 5th Ave NE.

City Administrator Crawford stated we were contacted by Valley Realty and they are looking at working with the Vo-Tech Center and build a property there like they did with the property just north of the school.  They have offered $5,000 for the property.  There was previously asbestos work and there are no current taxes on it.  The school needs it ready the beginning of August so Valley Realty would have to have the foundation done by then.  This is also not one that can be just hooked back up to water and sewer.  We have to come back in because it was cemented off.  It is in the flood plain so my recommendation, as long as they can work with everything, is to go ahead with it for the next meeting.

Consensus was made to go ahead with this.

6.  Discuss amending Resolution 2292, a Resolution Approving Plat of Hyland Park District.

City Administrator Crawford stated this was the Resolution that was approved last meeting.  There was more information brought to the table.  Working with Bruce we were able to come up with a plan on putting sidewalks on both sides.  This also starts the residence that we’ve been talking about.  There is an ordinance that says sidewalks are required and we have more moving forward so this is what will be. Going forward Joel will have that worked out before when presenting plats.

9.  Discuss Small Paving outside of Hyland Park Estates.

Operations Superintendent Klemisch stated he drove through the Hyland Park project the other day and in my mind with all this being developed we will have a small stretch of road that will be left unpaved, it’s like 200-250 feet.  I think it would be really smart of the city to work with these guys and look at paving this section of the road so it’s all nice and paved.  It would be easier on us to maintain and the homeowners don’t like the gravel getting thrown.  City Administrator Crawford stated just the paving project alone was $80,000 which was curb and gutter but did not include the groundwork so we are waiting for Bruce to get us the final number.  It is a project and would need to be assessed but if we were to do it as an assessment in its district you would have to go through engineering and pay more.  One of the things we can do is to go to the owners, talk to them about waving that need to do the assessment district and then they could split the cost.    

1.  Department Reports.

City Administrator Crawford stated several Department Heads were on a training call and will stop in to give their reports when it is over.

Operations Superintendent Klemisch stated the new pick up showed up.  We have worked all the valves for the upcoming 7th Ave project and the 2nd Ave project we found one bad one.  We have been working on painting curbs and lines.

2.  Review monthly bills/reports.

 Deputy Auditor Klein stated we have a pretty big number this month but that’s due to the refinancing of the refunding bond which was $1.275 and we did get that amount back.  With that and the TIF payments that came to just over $2.5 million.

3.  Review City Administrator Contract.

City Attorney Martineck stated historically when we hire executive level positions we enter into an agreement for a certain amount of vacation time.  When we hired Gwen we came an agreement that she would be given a certain amount of vacation up front to use.  What happens after is that historically on the first anniversary that person starts accruing more vacation time.  What should be happening is there should be negotiation for vacation time up front and then the time should start accruing immediately so there is a bank.

4.  Approve Designating Funds from the Cares Act Relief Funds in the amount of $25,000 for lights to Place on the Elk’s Foot Bridge and in Veterans Park and $5,000 for the VC Park District to add concrete corn hole games to Chautauqua Park.

Deputy Auditor Klein stated these were some requests that came in and the lights were previously discussed. 

City Administrator Crawford wanted to clarify that the $25,000 is for lights and additional decorations as needed.  For the VCPD, last year they lost over $150,000 for having to put memberships on hold and closing the doors due to covid.  They did get some Cares money but not enough to offset their losses.  They are looking at replacing 4 of the horseshoe playing areas and adding concrete cornhole.

5.  Discuss Bluescope Contract.

City Administrator Crawford stated we have some other pieces to get to before you guys pick the final project but you have to have the contract signed.  We need to decide if we want the additional 12 feet.

Commissioner Bishop stated his preference would be to put in the additional 12 feet right away.

City Attorney Martineck stated he saw in the contract there may be an additional $10,000 charge for patching, is that something that’s needed?

Fire Chief Magnuson stated they added that in case they needed to tie into a sewer line or something but they may not even use it.  Our guys might be able to do the job too if needed and we wouldn’t have that charge.

1.  Department Reports (cont.).

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported that they are working on Woodland, there’s a lot of cables to cross.  Finished up an alley rebuild west of Washington school.  We’ll be working on those in the future now that we’re getting caught up on a lot of our underground.

Water Superintendent Hesch we do have a Valley City aquifer.  We received a letter from North Dakota Department of Water Quality asking if we would like to upgrade our wellhead protection signs.  I would like to get one out in the North Valley are and one on each exit coming in from the east to the west.  They said there is a grant and it would cost about $40/sign or less if they have a lot of funding or not many people that have to upgrade their signs.

8.  Discuss VCFD GMC Commercial Rescue Contract.

Fire Chief Magnuson reported that a lot of the used equipment that is out there is a great deal right now.  A type of deal like this truck doesn’t come up very often.  We just don’t have the room on our current truck for everything we need right now.  There are a lot of things we can’t carry and if we get a call we have to load the specialized tools in the back of the pickup.  To build this truck it would cost over $425,000 so this is a pretty good deal.  I do feel this is a need. We have to put $30,000 down on it now but it won’t be available to us for a year, until the person that has it now gets their new truck.  We can use what’s in the truck fund right now and next year cover the remaining balance.  Our truck right now is a 2003 and fit what we needed it for at the time.  We have since grown and bought new equipment and can’t fit it all on our truck. 

City Administrator Crawford said she saw in the budget under the fire truck reserve that it had $440,000 needed for next year.

Fire Chief Magnuson stated that was set aside to replace number 2 but that still passes so it doesn’t make sense to replace a truck that doesn’t need to be.

Commissioner Magnuson stated if our 2003 rescue truck goes down for any reason, which it did go down for a week last year, you are digging the rescue equipment out of the back of a pickup.

City Administrator Crawford also mentioned that we were just at a County Commission meeting and they specifically asked if you need another truck and your response was no.      

Fire Chief Magnuson stated he doesn’t see the county having an issue with it.

Commissioner Bishop stated he sees the need.

Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at ­4:50 PM.

3.2.2021 Finance Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, and Commissioner Gulmon.

Others present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Deputy Auditor Klein, Public Works Accountant/Manager Jacobson, City Assessor Hansen, Electrical Superintendent Senf, Police Chief Hatcher, PW Superintendent Klemisch, Fire Chief Magnuson, Sanitation Supervisor Swart, Water Plant Supervisor Hesch, Chad Petersen from KLJ, Tracy Eslinger from Moore.

1.  Department Reports:

            Water Plant Supervisor Hesch stated he received his consumer confidence packet and has been in    touch with ND Rural Water.  They should be coming next week and it’s all set up to go to the printer.            The quality of water coming in from the river is good for the winter time.  We’re buffering it with the          well water right now so it’s staying at the 46 degrees.  We received our tractor combo which has            helped clean away all the snow.  We plan to get lots of good use out if that.

            Electrical Superintendent Senf reported three outages for the month.  Wind and ice were a factor,     one was a connector and the other was the rolling black out which was out of our control.  Other than     we’re trimming trees and doing a thermal scan that we had done by MRES and fixing those issues.

            Fire Chief Magnuson reported 15 fire calls last month, ten city, four rescue and one rural call.  We     started having drill the second Thursday of February.  Extinguisher business is going well.  Since we            started we have sold 45 fire extinguishers, 76 inspections, 26-6 year services and so far to date we           have taken in $4,634.  We did get our ISO audit back and it was a good report.  The city stays at a   level 4, for a volunteer department that’s good.  Our rural did get a better rating. They let us use some         of our city infrastructure.  The biggest issue that gets us is the hydrants.  We were probably about 5 points from moving up to the next level.

            Sanitation Supervisor Swart reminded businesses to have the areas clean around their dumpsters.      Also, for everyone to have their garbage out by 7 am.

            PW Superintendent Klemisch reported they went around town and got as much snow off the streets they could.  We’ve also been going around trimming trees.

            Police Chief Hatcher reported they have been busy with some large scale events that have taken        place recently.  Due to the nice weather we are able to get our windows replaced sooner.  We received           an AED grant so those will be getting replaced with the next generation.

            Finance Director Richter reported that we are selling Chamber Bucks at the Auditor’s Department    now.  Kudos to Brenda and Brandy, they are really doing a nice job taking care of the people that are          coming in for them.

            City Assessor Hansen stated the Equalization Meeting is scheduled for April 13th.

2.  Review monthly bills/reports.

Finance Director Richter reported for February we had bills of about $1.55 million and some of the items included paying our annual WSI bill of $27,000, we have $200,000 in the Chamber Bucks promotion and $12,000 above that for labor and promotion that we paid out to the Chamber.  The PD purchased their Durango which was about $26,500, the electrical department had their substation repairs at about $56,000 and also purchased a skid steer at about $65,000.  The water treatment plant purchased their mower for $46,000 and the slope mower that will be shared by a couple of different departments for $58,850 and also our monthly purchase power for about $371,000.  The balance is payroll, benefits and operations.

Commissioner Gulmon added that due to the increase in fees we were able to remove the Midwest Inspection $50,000 from the Cares Act funds so that will leave a balance in those funds from 2020 to $88,117.

3. Discuss Load Pass.

            City Administrator Crawford stated that we had several times this year where people would     apply for an overweight permit and all the City would collect was the $25 permit fee.  We were          not collecting the amount for the actual overage fees.  With Load Pass you pay the $1500 set up          fee and $500 membership and they do all the work and the city would still see a profit.

4.  Discuss requesting funding from the State Water Commission for Storage Building and site costs for a 2022 project.

            City Commissioner Gulmon stated the committee keeps coming back to the lime pit area even   though there is a significant cost in site prep which is some of the reason we’re proposing a 5000         sq. ft. building instead if the 10,000 sq. ft.  We agreed we should move forward in requesting funding from the State Water Commission.  If we move forward it would be a 2022 project.  The   main goal for this project is to get the flood walls protected.

5.  Discuss bids for Paving Improvement District 119/119B (7th Ave W/4th St NW/2nd Ave NW).

            Chad Peterson from KLJ stated we opened bids for this project and received three.  The            engineers estimate for the project was just under $3.3 million.  The bids ranged from $2,925,187     to just under $3.5 million.  Sellin Brothers was the low bidder.  At this time we are not ready to        recommend awarding the project at the commission level.  We do need to review the bids with   the NDDOT to make sure everything is in order.


The meeting was adjourned at ­4:25 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

2.2.2021 Finance Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, and Commissioner Gulmon.

Others present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Deputy Auditor Klein, Public Works Accountant/Manager Jacobson, City Assessor Hansen, Electrical Superintendent Senf, Police Chief Hatcher, PW Superintendent Klemisch, Fire Chief Magnuson, Sanitation Supervisor Swart, Chad Petersen from KLJ, Tracy Eslinger from Moore.

1.  Department Reports:

PW Superintendent Klemisch recognized Tyler Martin for passing his pesticide applicator   certification and Nick Yokom for passing his waste water collection exam.

Sanitary Supervisor Swart reported the cardboard is going well with having the dumpster.  We are    hiring so if you know someone that would be a good fit send them our way.

Fire Chief Magnuson reported 17 calls for January, a lot of CO detectors this time of year.  Fire extinguishing business is going great.  We are 99.9% up and going.  We are receiving a lot of great feedback that they are happy the City took it back on.  We had the rural board meeting and we have a lease agreement that has been sent to Gwen and Bob Bruns for approval and back to Carl and hopefully for the next 5 years we have a good program in place.

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported zero outages last month.  Darwin finished the pole counts.    Recognition was given to Alec Storhoff for receiving his journeyman linemen certificate.   

2.  Review monthly bills/reports.

Finance Director Richter reported $1,261,000 in bills for the month.  $254,000 in annual payments which includes software, payment with Development Corporation annual insurance, annual HSA payment to employees, PD investigation fees and the last payment for the Winter Show.  We have two payrolls and a quarterly payment to the park which brings it up to about $900,000 with the balance being operations.

3. Discuss changing the April 20th, 2021 Commission Meeting Date for NDLC training.

 Deputy Auditor Klein reported the NDLC workshop falls on the same date as a commission   meeting.  Is there enough interest in people wanting to go that we change the meeting date?    Consensus was made to change the commission meeting to Monday, April 19th.  Will add it to the     next meeting agenda.

4.  Discuss making whole the negative cash balances in the Water (-95,748) and Street (-136,175) funds. 

 PW Manager Jacobson reported we ended the 2020 year with two negative balances.  The     water fund is mainly due to the large amount of repairs due to the water main breaks.  We        budgeted a loss for the street department of about $258,000.  We came in at about $100,000 loss mainly due to the COVID money that was used.  The sewer fund has $1.3 million cash balance and since the water goes hand and hand with that we would like to use that.  For the street fund I’m asking for the funds to come from the electrical department which currently has $3.6 million. Will add to commission meeting.          

5.  Discuss offering a bill credit for $5 for utility customers agreeing to go paperless by proving an email address.

 PW Manager Jacobson stated about two months ago our billing process was moved into our  new finance package causing us to go to a regular paper bill which is also put into an envelope. Due to the number of bills we purchased a stuffer but it’s not working as smooth as it should. With that and the increase in postage we would like to remedy some of this by utilizing the email billing.  To encourage customers to change over we discussed a $5 change to paperless campaign.  Will add to commission meeting.

6.  Discuss Residential Building Permit and Inspection Fees.

 City Administrator Crawford reported that we would like to clear up the Master Fee Schedule based on the different job duties of Lance and Mike.

7.  Discuss SRO Agreement.

 Police Chief Hatcher stated traditionally we’ve been on a contract with the schools for the SRO.  In the last budget process our agreement was becoming a little unbalanced on percentages being covered.  I asked the Superintendent for an increase in the fee with a commitment from us that we will enter into a longer contract.  Looking for approval to present to the school board.  Consensus was given.

8.  Discuss 2021 vehicle bids.

Operations Superintendent Klemisch reported all three bids come in under budget.  Looking     for approval to go with the Miller Motors bid.

9.  Discuss Main Street Seal Coat Project.

 Operations Superintendent Klemisch stated he feels we should move forward with this project. Typically you should seal coat a new surface in 2-3 years and we’re pushing 4 years. 

City Administrator Crawford added the federal funds weren’t available for us before.  50% will go to local share then the other will come out of R&R funds which is plenty because of the cost share the federal program was doing.

Chad from KLJ added Main Street was overlaid from Budget Burger east with the exception of a small segment west of the Rainbow Bridge.  Communication took place with the District Engineer late in 2020 who felt if we got it in soon we could get the funding for 2021.

 Finance Director Richter stated the DOT estimated the local share to be just under $13,000 so   half would be assessed to the property owners and the other half to the R&R fund.


The meeting was adjourned at ­4:07 PM.

1.5.2021 Finance Meeting

Tuesday, January 5th, 2021

2:30 PM

Via Zoom

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, and Commissioner Gulmon.

Others present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Deputy Auditor Klein, Public Works Accountant/Manager Jacobson, City Assessor Hansen, Police Chief Hatcher, Chad Petersen from KLJ, Operations Superintendent Klemisch, Fire Chief Magnuson (3:30), Gloria Swart (3:30)

1.  Commission Topics

            b. Discuss Incentives to Newly Built Homes Outside the Renaissance Zone. 

            Discussion took place around incentives for bringing people to Valley City.

            a. Discuss City Engineer.

            Discussion took place regarding the City Engineer position.

2.  Department Reports:

            Electrical Superintendent Senf reported there were 3 outages for this month, 2 squirrels and 1          primary jumper.  We were at 99.99996% for the year, 40 total outages, and 43 hours out of power       for about 1700 customers.  Over half were animal related.  There was also discussion about putting        lights on the walk bridge.  Cost estimate would be about $2500 per side and         recommended only doing            the one side due to the cost and since the other side is only seen by the Elks building and would like to    do them so they are year round lights, not just for Christmas.  Would also like to improve the          Christmas decorations throughout town.  We also received 5 quotes back for the transformers.              Looking for approval for the lowest bids on the 9 transforms shown in the quote.  $65,000 was  previously budgeted for a Bobcat.  They no longer make the model we were looking to purchase.            Bobcat found us one in Iowa for under budget so that is on order along with attachments, still under          budget.

 Operations Superintendent Klemisch reported he was happy with the work the guys did after the     first storm.  We had some new people doing new things, so thanks to them for all their hard work.            Made it through the holiday garbage schedule with limited bodies so thanks to those employees.  The      ND Department of Equality found additional funding to continue the waste water testing through            January, maybe through the summer depending on the funding.  RDO was out to do some             maintenance on the motor grader and found a larger in the differential so we will be getting a loaner in         town will the other one is serviced.

 Gloria Swart reported that the cardboard dumpster is working great.  The new garbage truck is going to Fargo Thursday for servicing.  We made it through the holidays without to many hiccups.

Fire Chief Magnuson reported fire extinguisher services have been great.  Geotech was out drilling holes        where the addition will hopefully go.  Those results were sent to the foundation people and it     sounds   like within the next 2 weeks we should get results from that.  We are starting to get back to training while still practicing social distancing.  Most of our team have had the first dose of the vaccine.       By the time we go back to training they should have had their second dose.  Fire Chief    Magnuson stated he is training to be able to administer the rapid Covid tests so his team will be able to            rapid test before drill.    

2.  Review monthly bills/reports.

Finance Director Richter reported $1.3 million in bills for the month.  $365,000 in projects such as PFP or Infrastructure projects.  There was also a 3rd payroll issued in December which is a little over $100,000.  That puts us under the $1 million for operations.  For revenue coming in we had a good month.  We received the Prairie Dog funds which was about $2.5 million and we received November Cares for the salaries which was a little over $91,000.  We also received a little over $300,000 for reimbursement from the State Water Commission.

3.  Review proposed Public Works Capital and Operating Budgets for FY21.

            Public Works Manager Jacobson explained the breakdown of the capital budget and     summarized the operations budget.

4.  Discuss Mobile Home Park Ordinance.

            City Administrator Crawford reported that the way the Ordinance is worded an annual application is not needed, they do still have to turn in the fees.  Looking at the properties the           biggest issue we saw was Viking MHP.  The roads are beyond the city’s standards.  Per the           Ordinance we will send a notice and inform them of the penalties.  It states if nothing happens           after that a Class B Misdemeanor is issued.

            City Attorney Martineck stated that is one way to do it.  Another way is to have it so if they      aren’t in compliance their license isn’t renewed, another option is to add administrative penalties   to the ordinance. 

            City Administrator Crawford recommends amending the ordinance so it states an application   must be turned in annually and add any other changes they feel necessary. 

            Consensus was to send a letter regarding the streets.

5.  Discuss Prairie Dog Funding and Options.

            City Administrator Crawford stated in 2019 there was a plan put together for the funds and that            was when we thought it was going to be $3.5 million, it was actually $2.5 million.  We only have        the streetscape project in 2021 so the 7th Ave NW and 2nd Ave NE could be completed.  This     project is shovel ready as it was supposed to be completed in 2019 but due to circumstances it            was put on hold.  On the project a large portion cannot be assessed so this would be a good option for the funds and using part of the R&R funds.  We would have to update the bid package.  The          storm sewer would be replaced all the way and the water main would be from 2nd SW to 2nd NW      and the alley between 2nd and 3rd up to 4th St.

            Clint Klemisch added that the big thing with the water main is that it’s 4 inch cast iron and the   minimum for fire protection is 6 inch, we would go with 8 inch.  The 2nd Ave sanitary reline     project-when they went to do that they weren’t table to reline 2 blocks because of the way it’s    angled into the manhole.  There’s a lot of difficulty cleaning that right now and there are some           blockages there which is why this is a priority.

            Consensus is to move to Commission agenda for action.

6Discuss Curb Stop to Main Ownership.

            City Administrator Crawford stated in most cities in ND has a rule that the city owns the curb stop to the main.  In 2014 a policy was made to change that the homeowner owns it and that was      entered into the Ordinances in 2016.  This will be an issue whenever there are pipes that freeze.

            Commissioner Erickson stated he thought the reasoning this was done was due to some new     homes that were built with the mains not being buried deep enough and that was because of the         homeowners decision. Due to this they put it back on the homeowner.

            City Administrator Crawford stated in the ordinance is says that the main has to be buried 7-8 feet so anything less than that shouldn’t have been allowed.

            Consensus is that the city should own curb stop to main and change the ordinance.

7.  Discuss Valley City CARES Business Assistance Program.

            Commissioner Gulmon stated the committee that consisted of himself, Commissioner    Magnuson, City Administrator Crawford, Finance Director Richter and PW Accountant Jacobsen met to discuss ways to help businesses within the city during these difficult times.  The proposal            is to leverage $200,000 in CARES dollars for Chamber Bucks and receive a 25% benefit.  There          are some exclusions such as medical, dental, RXD, bills.  The sales could begin on February 6th           and would continue until out.  The Chamber Bucks would be open to all businesses, not just       Chamber members.  If we committed $200,000 and another $12,000 for expenses and waive the        remainder of the beer licenses for 2021 totaling $21,000.  The total CARES expenditure would be             $233,000. 

8.  Review Covid 19 Cares Act Relief Fund.

 Finance Director Richter reported on the changes for the revenues we’ve received and the  expenditures to date.  We estimating $91,000 for the December CARES revenue.  Prior to the Prairie Dog money we used $150,000 for Streetscape II.  Now that we have Prairie Dog funds, that lightens up the load for R&R find and we would request to take the $150,000 extra for that out of the R&R instead of the CARES freeing up more of those funds for other items.  The other  item for $100,000 is for property tax reductions that our citizens did get, not intentionally, but      they did. The mill levy was calculated differently this year than prior years and the city ended up         with a 4 mill reduction than what was expected.  The next item is the bars and restaurants Covid          relief but that’s where the $233,000 would go leaving us with $28,000 in our CARES relief fund.


The meeting was adjourned at ­4:45 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

12.1.2020 Finance Meeting Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:31 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, and Commissioner Gulmon.

Others present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Deputy Auditor Klein, Public Works Accountant/Manager Jacobson, City Assessor Hansen, Police Chief Hatcher, Chad Petersen from KLJ, Wade Hesch, Gloria Swart, Clint Klemisch(3:50).

1.  Department Reports:

            Wade Hesch reported water tower inspections took place this last month.  Inside the stand pipe they found caulking debris from the seams.   Those will need to be resealed.  There doesn’t seem to be any leaking right now.  The NW tower west of Dairy Queen is in poor shape inside.  It will need some refurbishing.  That will need to be taken off line for a couple of weeks and probably move those people to the stand pipe.  The Water Plant had its membrane replacement finished and is on track and running fine.  We will have Stew from Water Smith do some test drilling to see if there is a more productive spot for a well.

            Fire Chief Magnuson reported they are not doing any drills due to COVID and they are doing what they can to keep everyone safe while maintaining safe distances when possible.  The FD, Rescue and City Crew worked together to remove a log and some branches from the river.  It has been a nuisance previously and the removal went well.   

            Clint Klemisch reported the Superintendent for the diving team was very concerned with the NW water tower.  They gave a timeframe of 2-3 years before failure so this will need to be put on the hot list.  The inert cell should be wrapped up in about a week.  We have been participating in the waste water COVID testing with the Health Department.   We received the chemical to finish the winterization of fire hydrants this week.

            Police Chief Hatcher stated they are starting to do some work with the policy and procedure manual. Other than that just trying to stay healthy.

            Gloria Swart reported they are still trying to get everybody to comply with the two 32 gallon cans and to encourage recycling so there isn’t as much to haul to Fargo.

2.  Review monthly bills/reports.

Finance Director Richter reported $1.4 million in bills for the month.  Interest payments for bonds. PFP we aren’t having as much this time of year but it is around $70,000.  We also had about $70,000 that we paid to Economic Development that was requested at the last meeting.  Construction projects we had about $260,000 paid out.  The rest is operating expenses we have every month.

3.  Review proposed Public Works Capital and Operating Budgets for FY21.

            Public Works Manager Jacobson explained the breakdown of the capital budget and     summarized the operations budget.

4.  Discuss 2021 Application to Operate Mobile Home Park for

            a. Rockwater LLC

            b. Richard Plecity Trailer Court

            City Administrator Crawford reported Richard Pelcity Trailer Court should only have 3 lots     listed but since their State license shows 5 it will remain at 5.  We’ll be adding a line asking for the State license on our applications. With Rockwater there were concerns with some of the trailer homes in that park and if they are    still suitable and some of the junk that is laying around there.  The trailer that had the fire will be moved within the next couple of weeks.

City Attorney Martineck stated the thought was to create a list of needs in those areas, send it out and see what kind of reaction we get and the steps to take following.

5.  Discuss State Water Commission Agreement for Cost Share Reimbursement for Mill Dam. 

            Chad Petersen from KLJ reported that last spring this was presented to the Commission.  After that meeting the cost share request was submitted to the SWC in April.  That was on the timeline when the requests were being tabled due to the funding at that level.  It has now been brought back forward.  Total estimated cost is $99,500 and this type of project is funded at 75/25%. Local cost share amount would be $74,625.  This is on the meeting tonight for action.

6City County Health Cost share

            President Carlsrud stated the CCH put a program together for the mask mandate along with estimated costs and requested the City help with some of the costs.

            Commissioner Gulmon stated some of the requested funds were to assist with the marketing costs before the Governor came out with the state mandate.  Would there be a need for that now?

            City Administrator Crawford also added that Blake Crosby from NDLC was contacted and informed us that no additional funds other than what was already received would be sent to help with the costs.

            Consensus is to help with $1200 for kits.


The meeting was adjourned at ­4:55 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

11.03.2020 Finance Meeting Minutes

Called To Order at 3:02 PM

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:02 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, and Commissioner Gulmon.

Others present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Deputy Auditor Klein, Public Works Accountant/Manager Jacobson, City Assessor Hansen, Police Chief Hatcher, Chad Petersen from KLJ, Gloria Swart,

1.  Department Reports:

Gloria Swart reported they are getting some compost screened so that will be available come spring.  They have also been cracking down on oversized garbage cans and general violations.

2.  Review monthly bills/reports.

Finance Director Richter reported $1,566,701.00 in bills for the month.  Nothing out of the ordinary.  Had some PFP and other infrastructure construction costs, payroll and other regular maintenance charges.

Deputy Auditor Klein questioned approval process of bills due to meetings taking place via Zoom.  Consensus was to approve via emails.

3.  Discuss Tree Ordinance Change.

 City Administrator Crawford recommended changing the ORD to state stumps must be removed within a certain timeframe of removing the tree and/or clarify that the tree also includes the stump and include any contractor that does not abide by ORD is to not be licensed the following year.        There have been instances where the stumps have been forgotten and when they are diseased they      need to be or they are still spreading the disease.

Consensus was to start with 3 weeks.  City Attorney Martineck will draft the ORD for the first    reading.

4.  Discuss 2021 Employee Benefits.

            City Attorney Martineck stated it’s more of an update as the change has already been approved.  Benefits will be changing to ND Public Health Insurance Trust.  Premiums will stay the same for 2021 with the possibility of being reduced by 1%.  Going forward we are looking at 3-6%     increases.  This is good for our employees and will also save the City some money.  Will also have new dental and vision.

5.  Discussion around recycling cardboard. 

 President Carlsrud stated he has seen lots of cardboard while he has been walking around the city that we pick up.  Gloria stated they do see lots of cardboard come in at the Transfer Station.

Commissioner Gulmon recommended some type of education on why the cardboard should be brought to recycling.  President Carlsrud agreed to start with education.

6.  Consider Placing Vacant City Lots for Bids. 

City Assessor Hansen stated she received a request to put together city lots which has been added to the packet.  There are very few that are considered buildable.

Commissioner Magnuson questioned a why a few of the lots were considered unbuildable.

Commissioner Bishop questioned if they were “unbuildable” and sold to an adjacent landowner if that would then make them buildable.

Assessor Hansen said that is possible if they replatted.  Some are unbuildable only because they don’t meet the size outlined in order to make them a buildable lot.

Finance Director Richter also mentioned we do have an agreement for the FEMA lots for adjacent landowners to maintain it and use it.  We cannot sell FEMA lots.  WE own them but we        have an ORD that prohibits any building on them.

Attorney Martineck will create a RES to allow the sale of the vacant properties that are buildable not including the lot on 4 Bottle Drive.

7.  Review bids for Streetscape Phase II.

Chad Petersen form KLJ stated the DOT received three bids for the project ranging from $2.2-2.5 million, the Engineers estimate was $2.18 million.  Total project cost is $2,868,000 with the local share approximately $725,000.

 Commissioner Gulmon commented that Finance Director Richter sent out information and the City identified we are short about on the local share about $254,000.  Also sent out were projections of Care’s Act relief fund coming in $450,000 coming in before the end of the year. For discussion we plugged in about $140,000 of the $254,000 and we think we could also take some out of the R&R fund.  Commissioner Gulmon requested City Administrator Crawford speak on the approximately $389,000 of prepaid engineering funds that will have to be paid back if we don’t complete the project.

 City Administrator Crawford stated basically when the project was approved in order to move ahead there was engineering, some was paid by a full grant some was 90/10.  We paid to engineering and they reimbursed us but if the project isn’t completed the State will bill us.

8.  Discuss Urban Roads Program Solicitation

 Valley City receives approximately $555,000 annually from the DOT through the Urban Roads funds.  With that the DOT puts together a statewide 5 year improvement plan.  Valley City      submits annually the projects for the next 5 years.  The deadline for the update is December 31st. Just wanted to make you aware that was coming up.

9.  Discuss NDDOT Urban Grant Program (UGP) Solicitation

 Deadline is December 31st.

10.  Discuss NDDOT Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) Solicitation

Deadline is December 31st.

11.  Discuss NDDOT Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Solicitation

In 2024 the City has a plan to place flashing beacons by the Wellness Center going to the Bubble as well as one on 4th Street by the Rec Center.  Some other programs that were talked about were adding signage in student crossing areas, high crash areas.

City Administrator Crawford brought up that there was previous discussion about putting a turn   lane in at Petro but it didn’t happen.  She feels we should still move forward with it but it would     be at our cost and maybe we could add it to this program with approval.

 Chad will get a cost estimate for the project.

12.  Discuss Elks Building

 City Attorney Martineck stated this is a Commission decision at this point.  After discussion it  seems the consensus is that we should follow the denial by the Insurance Reserve.  The City has      already paid out a significant amount.  Century Code strictly limits the liability on cities.  We pay        into insurance companies so we don’t have to resolve our own claims and they have handled this         for us in the past.  The financial and legal opinion is to not pay out any more.  If the Commission          desires to move forward with some type of settlement we did look at a couple of options, one being a property tax exemption.  The other is to negotiate a cash settlement.

Commissioner Magnuson stated his initial thought is that he wants to help but to what extent.

Commissioner Gulmon stated he would like to make a “good Faith” payment not accepting or acknowledging any liability to make us all feel better about moving on with this thing. That may be the $30,000 they are asking for or maybe $20,000, can that be done?

City Attorney Martineck stated if they were to make a payment that is what he would      recommend.

President Carlsrud feels there is a moral obligation but is unsure to what extent.

City Attorney Martineck stated if there is a consensus to move forward the next step is to have a conversation on what we would like to offer and present that to the Commission.

13.  Form a committee for PFP storage.

Moved to Commission Meeting.

14.  Discuss Future Outlook of the City.

Moved to Commission Meeting.

15.  Discuss Coronavirus        

President Carlsrud said the numbers are on the rise and he will be limiting his time at the office. 

Commissioner Magnuson stated they went to a mandate at work and now he sees more    customers without masks.  When you have massive amounts of testing with very long times before you get the results back people are walking around in the meantime instead of staying home.  We need to get the tests back faster.

Commissioner Gulmon stated he would like to place a mandate for at least 30 days.

City Administrator Crawford stated we have a lot of people with differing opinions but until we   get the direction of what we are supposed to do from the Commission we can’t do make that decision.

City Attorney Martineck added that there had been discussion about wearing masks in city buildings before.  We just put something in place about 10 days ago so we need justification to move to a mandate already.

Commissioner Erickson said if we mandate it in City buildings we will have to provide masks at the building.  You’re seeing the numbers go up because they are testing more.

Commissioner Gulmon recommends changing to a mandate.

President Carlsrud stated there had been some discussion previously and it was decided to wait until the end of the week to see what the numbers are doing.

Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at ­4:54 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

10/6/2020 Finance Meeting Minutes

Called To Order at 2:30 PM

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, and Commissioner Gulmon.

Others present: City Attorney Martineck, City Auditor Richter, Deputy Auditor Klein, Public Works Accountant/Manager Jacobson, City Assessor Hansen, Chad Petersen from KLJ, Fire Chief Magnuson, Police Chief Hatcher, Electrical Superintendent Senf, Operations Superintendent Klemisch, Mike Opatz from Houston Engineering

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported 4 outages for the month, 3 squirrels and 1 tree branch.  City Park lighting is completed.  Working on 5th Ave.  Skyline Villa is finished.  Love’s is completed other than the main service, waiting on the electrician.

Commission Topics:

  1. Discussion about removing flag pole on North side of City Hall building.
  2. Discussion around selling the extra land the City owns.
  3. Discussion around Elk’s Letter.
  4. Discussion about cold storage.
  5. Brainstorming Session will be added to another meeting due to time restraints.
  6. MRES and NDLC training report was deferred to November Finance Meeting.

Department Reports:

Operations Superintendent Klemisch reported the tree was removed by Chautauqua.  Clean up week is complete.  Next year we are considering moving it a week later to hopefully have summer help available.  Thanks to KPH and Jack Moritz for helping with the water main breaks.  Tony Gille is scheduled to do the concrete work. 

Police Chief Hatcher reported they will be getting around more taking care of the car complaints.  There was an incident at Jefferson school so we are researching additional safety options.  Considering dropping the speed limit in the school zone to 15mph, 20 is still pretty fast for a school zone.  Battle of the Badges blood drive is next week, vote Team Law!

Fire Chief Magnuson reported 10 calls last month, 9 for the city and 1 rural.  This week is Fire Prevention and since we can’t go around to the schools we made a video.  Battle of the Badges next week, vote Team Fire!  The final data for the census has been moved to October 30th

Review monthly bills/reports

Finance Director Richter reported $1.5 million in bills for the month. $430,000 spent on 5th Ave NW, $207,000 on bond payments $142,000 on Fire Department payroll and a couple other miscellaneous that put us over the $1 million with our regular operations and payroll. 

Discuss Building Fees

City Administrator Crawford reported she received commercial fees from various towns for comparison.  We want to build Valley City but we cannot let the fees end up costing us.  Resolution 2263 will be added to the Commission meeting to add the “Use of outside consultants for plan review, inspections, or both, including administrative and overhead costs. Actual costs” back onto the resolution as it was removed back in 2018.  Would also like to see some of our current fees such as sign fees adjusted. If you want to keep the building inspection fees stay the same we can look into charging a building inspection fee.

Discuss CLOMR

Chad Petersen from KLJ and Mike Opatz from Houston Engineering presented six top options to get the Commission’s feedback.  Commission chose to remove the Golf club bypass and the Tourist Park as an option.  Mayor Carlsrud asked they come up with a plan and if we need we can set up a special meeting.     


The meeting was adjourned at ­4:52 PM.

9/1/2020 Finance Meeting Minutes

Called To Order at 3:00 PM

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, and Commissioner Gulmon.

Others present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Deputy Auditor Klein, PW Accountant/Manager Jacobson, Fire Chief Magnuson, Police Chief Hatcher, Chad Petersen from KLJ

Department Reports

Fire Chief Magnuson – There were 19 calls for the month of August. 

Census update – The rural homeowners that have had two or three addresses have all gotten census information.  The County numbers may not be going up because those addresses are not being fulfilled, waiting on clarification.

Waiting on a cylinder dryer and a tester that should be in the end of the week.  Within two to three weeks we should be able to start testing and filling extinguishers.

Gloria Swart –Closed this Saturday at the Transfer Station.  Clean up week is September 14-18.  Please separate your materials into piles.  TVs are taken with no extra charge.  Tires are accepted at the Transfer Station with an extra charge depending on size, but will not be picked up on the blvd. Appliances can go to Valley Recycling.  We will not pick up metal.

Review Monthly Bills/Reports

City Auditor Richter reported we only spent $1.4 million in August.  Looking at some of the construction reports there was just about $300,000 infrastructure and PFP and there weren’t really any other large charges.

Discuss Agenda for the NDLC virtual conference

City Administrator Crawford feels this training is important and to avoid interruption during the training we should move it offsite.

Discuss Advertising for bids the sale of vacant lot at 14th St SQ, Parcel 63-0880017.

City Commissioner Bishop stated he didn’t think we should sell it as it’s not costing us anything.  Services can’t come from the bottom up but they can come from the back.  It could be sold as a buildable lot someday.

Will leave on the Commission meeting agenda making a motion to not put it up for sale.

Discuss lease agreement.

City Administrator Crawford stated she had requested if anyone knew of any verbal agreements or any agreements that were expiring to bring them forward.  This lease has expired.  They were getting if for $25 and I have listed what the average prices are going for right now. 

Public Works Manager said he spoke with Jeff and the land is tillable.  There was a deal worked out in the past.

City Commissioner requesting putting the land up for bids.

City Attorney Martineck stated typically use of any government property can only be for a maximum of two years.  It has to be for fair market value.

Discuss URD Wire Bid for all URD projects for 2020.

President Carlsrud the need for the underground is to finish the University and 5th Ave. project.  Marshall recommends that we move forward with Resco.  

Eide Bailly presentation of the 2019 Audit Report.

Luke Evenson from Eide Bailly presented the 2019 Audit findings.  The city received a “clean” audit opinion.

Update on CLOMR

Chad Petersen from KLJ, Mike Opat and Adam Neiss from Houston Engineering presented some of the impacts with PFP and concepts identified for mitigation.

Discuss City Engineer

City Attorney Martineck stated we discussed our one and only candidate and came to the conclusion that the way we have the job description set up right now he may not be the best fit.  We could work with him if we wanted to go that direction but he does not have any building inspection experience which could end up being a good portion of that position.  Before we move forward with an offer we would like to present some other options.

City Administrator Crawford stated she went through what was wanted, what the City’s needs are and what the candidate said he could do.  On the list of pros and cons there were very few pros.  If there were building inspection experience that would add more to the pros.  Other options may be doing RFQ for a City Engineer that would not do any projects.

Will add this to the Special Commission meeting that was scheduled for Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 7:00 AM.

Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at ­4:15 PM.