Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

4.5.2022 Finance Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop and Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Gulmon

Others Present:  City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Administrative Assistant Johnson

Department Reports

Sanitation Supervisor Swart reported that clean up week has been set for June 6-11. Grass sites are open 24/7 all year long.

Water Superintendent Hesch reported fluorescent lights in the WTP in certain spots will be changed to LED.  Meters were received from HACH and will be working on replacing those.

Electrical Supervisor Senf reported the crew has been trimming tree and replacing the purple fixtures around town. They will also replace the ones going out on the highway. Working on the downtown sub with HDR. Trying to line up a crane and sell the transformer. 

Assistant Fire Chief Coit reported on the fire extinguisher services stating they continue to get more customers and it will get busier with time.

Police Chief Hatcher reported they are still working on hiring for the opening.  There are 3 people that are going through the background process.  This month will be the first of the monthly Coffee with Cops program.  If it’s successful we’ll consider doing it monthly.

Kevin Jacobson reported the street department has been doing patching and cleaning.  Water crew has been working on the lead and copper.  There was a water leak that had to be fixed. Some residents have been mentioning orange water. We will work on flushing them but it can look clear doing that and then it sometimes loosens the rust in some of the older pipes.  FI you have rusty water flush your cold water.  Do not turn the hot on until it’s clear or it may get into your hot water heater.

Finance Director Richter stated the quarterly report for general engineering shows they are pretty much right on target.

Review the monthly bills/reports.

Finance Director Richter read the breakdown of the finance report with expenses totaling $1,376,082.

Discuss Placing Recycling Containers Eat of the Water Treatment Plant.

Commissioner Magnuson asked if we could put some on the flat land by the water treatment plant.  After discussion it was decided to check into a different location.

Discuss Reclassification for Administrative Assistant for Public works Accounts.

Katie has given her notice and will be leaving the end of May. The proposal is to change that position as an Administrative Assistant II after Katie leaves.

Discuss Definitions for Alcoholic Beverage License Classifications.

City Attorney Martineck requested clarification in some areas of the alcoholic beverage license to make sure they are well defined and everyone is on the same page.

Master Fee Schedule Update.

City Attorney Martineck stated there will be a resolution to approve several fees based on ordinances that have been passed or will be passed and once again making sure everyone is on the same page.  Discussion of the fees that were being changed took place.

Discuss Project to be included in the North Dakota Water Resources 2023 Water Development Plan.

Chad Petersen from KLJ discussed the plans that were currently on the plan and received confirmation that those projects will remain.

Progress Updated on Elks Building

Chad Petersen provided update with approximate construction beginning later this fall. 

Discuss Infrastructure Funds 2022-2029

City Administrator Crawford presented a printout that each department listed what they felt were improvements that will need to be made so we can have an idea of future funding needs.  


The meeting was adjourned at ­4:51 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

3.1.2022 Finance Meeting

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop and Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Gulmon

Others Present:  City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Administrative Assistant Johnson

Department Reports

Sanitation Supervisor Swart reported that she attended a training the end of January and there are new guidelines that the State Health Department has come out with so we are working on transitioning to follow those.  One of those being we cannot accept TVs at the transfer station anymore. We are considered an inert landfill and our garbage gets hauled out to Fargo.  Fargo is allowing Valley City residents to bring one TV/month.  More information is listed on the website. Fargo will also not be accepting any cardboard.

Water Superintendent Hesch reported they received a certificate that we are in compliance with the State Health Department. We will also be offering tours to the 5th graders for City Government week.

Electrical Lineman Cory Buck reported on behalf of Electrical Supervisor Senf.  There was 1 outage for the month.  YTD there were 4 outages which were all equipment related.

Fire Chief Magnuson reported 17 calls for service, majority being rescue calls.

Police Chief Hatcher reported the patches came in yesterday so we’re hoping in the next month to have an official announcement. Discussion took place around the fees and processes that take place when veterinary services take place.  

Operations Supervisor Klemisch reported they are receiving calls due to the melting water and freezing.  We’ll keep evaluating as temps rise. There was a water break by Valley Flooring about 3 weeks ago. A new person was hired for the water department and will start on March 7th.

Tracy Eslinger stated there was a bid opening for the Nextera Water and Sewer project and there were three bidders.  KPH was low bidder and we recommend to award contract to them.

Review the monthly bills/reports.

Finance Director Richter due to us being short on time we can move forward.

Discuss Viking Drive Estates

City Administrator Crawford stated due to being short on time she will discuss during her reports in the commission meeting since no action is needed.

Discuss City Licensing of General Contractors

City Attorney Martineck stated it had been asked why we don’t require local licensing for general contractors when we do it for others?  Just bringing it to the commission’s attention if it’s something you would be interested in starting to do.


The meeting was adjourned at ­4:55 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

2.1.2022 Finance Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop and Commissioner Erickson

Others Present:  City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Administrative Assistant Johnson

Department Reports

Operations Supervisor Klemisch reported there was a PT employee that started last week in sanitation.  With these colder days we are storing our containers overnight at Ken’s sanitation to help them dump easier.

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported 3 outages for the month due to aging infrastructure. We’re changing out lights and will get into tree trimming soon. Other than that, just doing load control.  We get billed monthly just like everyone else and we try to keep the load as low as possible.  The peaks usually happen around breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

West Main the lights are out of warranty but they may still stand behind the product.  Anything East Main has another year so they will be replaced and all the way up 5th Ave NE and 12 St N.

Fire Chief Magnuson reported 17 calls for service last month. One call as a fire that resulted in a fatality. We had the electric guys come out and not sure what they did but they kept everyone in the neighborhood with electricity. Clint came out on Sunday and moved snow, sanded streets and ran the track hoe which was impressive to watch. New building is making progress, the doors ended up needing all new openers so that was added.  There have been some calls about smells in houses, flush your toilets.  If you have a bathroom that’s not used a lot that could be the reason.

Police Chief Hatcher reported on the process of interviewing 4 people last week.  We had 3 we passed on to the background and just within that time we lost 2 of them to somewhere else.

The patch being passed around has the autism pieces for autism awareness.  We will be ordering these and selling them to promote autism awareness and donating the money to the non-profit in Fargo or if someone else has an idea we would consider it.

Operations Supervisor Klemisch reported they’ve been working on some of the corners and widening streets now that the storms have calmed down. Sewer department had a couple lift station issues where we had to swap out pumps but nothing major.

Last night we were called out to Love’s to sand it, another semi was stuck, it continues to be an issue.  We did speak with Mike Gille but right now we haven’t run into an issue to where we couldn’t get to it.

The Street Department pickup has been ordered too, they’re hoping for a late May build.

Review the monthly bills/reports.

Finance Director Richter stated there were $1.2 million in expenditures for January.  The fire hall addition came in at $88,000.  Construction projects other than the fire hall addition were minor at $26,897, we paid our annual liability insurance for auto for $105,625, MRES we paid $386,646, payroll and benefits were $453,392, PFP $18,800 and fund 240 at $47,000 leaving $127,000 for operational expenses.

Consider Moving up Public Works Budget Deadline or at least any Fee Increases.

City Administrator Crawford stated last year we had a fee increase in December due to that being when the budget was finalized. I feel like we need to let the residents know in advance when the rates will be raised and gave a few different options on how to do that.

PW Manager Jacobson stated he would rather not do the budget process earlier because it’s nice to look at the information as late in the year as possible and recommended moving the rate increase if needed into the year effective February or March.

Decision was made to keep the budget process as is and if there will be an increase that will come later in the next year giving residents the proper notice.

Consider Policy for Paying for the First Seal Coat Following a Street Reconstruction from Infrastructure Funds instead for Special Assessments.

Deputy Auditor Klein stated for the 5th Ave project it was agreed that the sealcoat would be paid out of the R&R Funds. We have another reconstruct ion project this summer and have a meeting with the property owners on February 8th and would like a policy that the seal coat will be paid for out of the R&R Funds moving forward.

Discuss having P&Z doing all Variances.

City Administrator stated we have the PZ committee and a separate variance committee. The variance committee has been called together 2 times since in the last year or so and is called together as needed. When there is a plat or replat at the same time as a variance the PZ committee is able to make the decision.  With the number of variances outside of that, why can’t we have the PZ make the decisions on the variances instead of having 2 separate committees.

City Attorney Martineck added that he thought Mike Schell had originally said they had the variance committee in place so they didn’t have to convene the PZ committee for those small of decisions but with the number we have there’s no reason why we couldn’t add it to a PZ meeting.  Right now, the variance board is established by ordinance so if we are to make those changes, we will have to draft new ordinances.


The meeting was adjourned at ­4:18 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

1.4.2022 Finance Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson (2:53), Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Gulmon and Commissioner Erickson (2:39)

Others Present:  City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Administrative Assistant Johnson

Commission Topics

Discussion took place around the following topics:

The Little Dam

Snow Removal

Emergency Route

Department Reports

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported they are starting to take down the Christmas lights.  The lights on Central will stay up a little longer.  Finishing up inventory-the auditor comes on Thursday.  Marshall also stated he walked through the library and noticed the lighting is outdated and updating everything would save them money.  Eventually you will be forced to replace them due to them being outdated.

Operations Supervisor Klemisch reported the downtown took 4 nights for snow removal.  Things are narrow so it will be an ongoing process.  There have been equipment issues, the hook truck was down so we reached out to another company and they were hauling our garbage for us but both of their trucks broke down.  We talked to Jamestown and they let us dump over there.  We received the U-bolt and it is getting replaced now.  There is also a garbage truck down but that piece should be in today.  Everyone has jumped in and helped from different departments, it’s been a team effort. 

Fire Chief Magnuson reported they received back their truck that was getting repainted and that looks good.  They are still working on the addition.  There were probably more rescue calls this year than we have ever had and some of the worst ones were in the summer which is odd.

Police Chief Hatcher reported they had about 10,000 calls for service.  Congratulations to Officer Horner as their family has grown by one.  We have been trying to get bids for our new car.  In August we were told no one could bid anything so we held off until December.  The closing took place last Thursday and the only bid received was from Stoudt Ross Ford.  Should we wait since that was the only bid due to the current issues?  Ford will not put in a bid unless there’s a sales order signed.  We will have another car coming up that will need to be replaced.  Due to the wait, should we order two now? Decision was to just purchase the one vehicle now and the other in 2023 budget.

Review the monthly bills/reports

Finance Director Richter stated there were $990,351 in expenditures for December which includes construction projects at $26,419; fire hall addition at $28,088; MRES at $265,106; payroll & benefits at $469,430; PFP CLOMR at $38,521; VCBCDC at $42,500 leaving $120,287 as the balance for operations.

Discuss Image & Enhancement Grant and Valley City Tourism Development Grant Requirements.

City Administrator Crawford stated we realized these needed to be revamped and have come up with the changes outlined in the packet.

Discuss Love’s Winter Road Maintenance

City Administrator Crawford stated she was not aware of all the issues but now everyone is on the same page.  The calls of service are included in the packet outlining how many times we have been called up to sand, direct traffic or other services. 

Operations Supervisor Klemisch added that a lot of the calls have been after hours.  The trucks can’t make it up the hill so we pay overtime to sand.  Sanding on snow doesn’t work so we have to call in the motor graders.  The last snow storm we shut everything down because we couldn’t keep up while trying to keep the emergency routes open. Gilles Construction has been up there sanding and maybe that is an option to have them help us out.  The DOT’s bylaws and regulations do not allow them to brine it for us.  We are looking at other options for that.  The sheriff’s department has been out there helping as well.  We will do our normal sanding route but the extra calls to keep up is where we’re running into issues.  Loves is not willing to pay Gille for the additional sanding. 

Police Chief Hatcher added if there are any other roads that cause this many issue, we close them.  This is the only entrance into Love’s so we can’t close it.

Operations Supervisor Klemisch stated he already spoke with Gille’s and they said they would help.

Commissioner Magnuson asked who approved this road and if all the traffic studies went to the DOT.

Chad Petersen stated the plans were submitted and reviewed and that he specifically commented to the designers and previous administrator that the grades meet standards but there he was concerned about the grand due to this exact situation but the comment back was that it meets standards.  Back at that point it was originally going to stay Love’s road so maybe the city wasn’t as concerned with it but now it became the city’s road.  There were several times the grade of the road was discussed.

Commissioner Gulmon stated it is what it is and if it is our road, we are responsible to keep it clean or contract with Gille to keep it clean.

President Carlsrud stated if we are paying overtime and are still unable to keep up it may make sense to contract the services out.

Discuss Transportation Alternatives Program

City Administrator Crawford stated this is the one we were going to work with the county.  There are a few things that will be looked at but wanted to make sure you are okay with this because we would be paying half and the county would like an MOU.

Discuss Mobile Home Park Renewal for Viking Drive Estates

City Administrator Crawford stated information from David Wick is in the packet.  We can hold off on the license decision until the next meeting to give more time to look through the information.  There have been several different stories on what has happened in the past with this area so we are looking back to find that information.  We do know that KLJ was asked to look into it in 1997 and basically said it will cost a lot of money to fix it and nothing further happened after that. 

Discuss Rescheduling March 1st Finance and Commission Meeting.

This will be added to the February 1st meeting for a decision.  There may be a conflict on this date.

Discuss Quarterly Finance Meeting start Time.

Quarterly meetings will continue to be scheduled to start at 2:30 if there are topics to discuss.  If not, it will change to 3:30.

Discuss Bids for Police Department Vehicle.

Police Chief Hatcher stated 

Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at ­4:53 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

11.2.2021 Finance Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson via Zoom, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Gulmon, and Commissioner Erickson

Department Reports

Sanitation Supervisor Swart reported Jamestown Communications finished installing the cameras on the trucks.  The Transfer Station is now closed on Saturday’s though May and we have a part time employee that started. 

Water Superintendent Hesch reported this as the first weekend we tried running without Sunday and it will be just fine.  We just have to monitor it.  Commissioner Bishop asked about the standpipe and the water tower up by the armory.  The standpipe has not been fixed.  After inspection it was determined some of the caulking was bad resulting in pinhole leaks.  It will need to be drained and have a contractor some in to fix it.  Clint has information regarding the water tower.

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported zero outages for the month of October.  West end underground project is finished.  Gaukler 36-plex underground is in and we are waiting for the transformer.  Waterfront Meadows contractor will be digging the trench for us.  In regards to the ordinance on the agenda, to make if fair if you aren’t in city limits we would like them to pay the full price vs us paying the 200 feet since they aren’t paying taxes.  Inside city limits they would have to for the overhead after 200 feet.

Fire Chief Magnuson reported the covid third shot will take place at the firehall next week.  We picked up some additional businesses for fire extinguishers.  Should out to the members of our department and the community.  We are getting new doors installed and the funds came from some of the fundraisers we have held.  The building shipped today and should be here on the 5th and then Enterprise would be here next week.

Police Chief Hatcher reported that on Thursday at 1:30 up at the DOT office the highway patrol colonel will be in town to present some awards to one of the local highway patrolman as well as one of our police officers that helped out on the highway.  One award is a purple heart, very prestigious and not awarded very often.  It’s open to the public.  We are full staffed and the last person finished their field training last night.

Operations Supervisor Klemisch reported the flushing of the hydrants will be wrapping up in the next day or so.  There is a startup planned tentatively for Thursday for the west end lift station.  Construction is wrapping up for the year with some seeding taking place.  Snow equipment is ready. The NW water tower by DQ is in rough shape.  We are trying to get money in the budget but anything we do is pretty minimal right now until we figure out the plan. 

City Administrator Crawford requested to move item 5 with 3 on the agenda.  Discussion has been taking place about c

City Attorney Martineck introduced Katie Henderson, our new Public Works Administrative Assistant. 

Review Monthly Bills/Reports Finance Director Richterreported we are at $1,780,770 which includes debt service at $137,419, Forestry & F&B Grants at $33,461, PFP CLOMR, $14,670, Fire Hall Addition at $85,186, West End Lift Station at $276,799, construction projects at $418,313 and MRES at $288,800.  The remaining $526,122 is for our regular operations.

Discuss Public Works 1.

City Administrator Crawford stated due to some of the hiring issues, the cross work that goes on in different departments and to become more of a team, we are proposing for 2022 is to merge the Street Specialist 1 and Sanitation Specialist 1 to now a Public Works Specialist 1 at the B-21 level.  The Public Works Technician is at the A-13 level for those that come in and don’t have their CDL yet.

Discuss NDPERS.

City Attorney Martineck stated we have looked into NDPERS for a while and have now made some progress getting it here.  There will be a couple different options, one for safety employees such as the FD and PD and another for non-safety employees.  The city would still put in 10% and the employee makes up the difference.  Any current employee can keep their current retirement plan if they choose or go on NDPERS, any new hires would only have NDPERS as an option.

Discuss NDDOT Urban Grant Program Application.

Chad Petersen stated this was discussed earlier in January and the city has benefitted from this program before.  This opened for applications and the deadline is December 31st, 2021.

Discus NDDOT Urban Grant Program Application for Wintershow Road Shared-Use Path.

Chad Petersen stated this was discussed previously and there was support that this path was desired.  The document shows 8th Ave to the Regional Technology center split into two phases. 

Discussion regarding Vacate Four Bottle Road Frontage Road.

Electrical Superintendent Senf stated the electrical poles are out of the ground and there is one that is starting to tip.  It would be expensive to even do just the bare minimum fix.  If vacated, the current property owners would gain the additional land up to the right of way.

City Administrator Crawford added that it is currently on our Urban Roads program and we need to get John Deere added.  In order to add one you need to remove one.

Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at ­4:53 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

10.5.2021 Finance Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop and Commissioner Gulmon, Commissioner Erickson (2:45)

Commission Topics

Discussion took place around the following topics:

Commissioner Long Range Planning Ideas,

RRVWSP information

Department of Water Resources Funding

Department Reports

Sanitation Supervisor Swart requested people try to get closer to the piles when dumping in the grass site.  We are looking for another two new employees.

City Administrator Crawford presented some additional options to try to bring in new employees on the sanitation department.  They will post for part-time positions at a higher wage but no benefits.

Water Superintendent Hesch reported he and Clint will be going to a convention next week and Sherry will be recognized for her Operator’s Award.

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported they have given a manufacturer west of town a bid for 3 phase.  Finished up Smith Lumber today.  We’re having trouble getting quotes back for the WAPA sub.  Everyone wants concrete and its sounds like they are hard to push into the ground.  Either we do the work or hire someone in to do the work.  People don’t want to bid since it’s a foundation.

Fire Chief Magnuson reported this week is Fire Prevention week.  We’ll be waiting until spring to have our open house after we get the addition done.  10 true calls of service last month.  Building is on schedule.  Battle of the Badges is next week.  We picked up all the Summit and Bergan’s properties.  It is working and the numbers will increase.

Operations Supervisor Klemisch reported the next couple of weeks will be busy getting everything wrapped up for the season.  Will start flushing hydrants either this week or next week.  We are a little slower since several of the street crew have been getting sent over to sanitation.  

City Administrator Crawford reported that we are still under our contract funds in the engineering and contracting services.  Planning and Zoning is more than what the original plan but we never could have guessed that we would have all this going on.  There is a walking trail that Bobby is trying to establish near the property that Dave Zubrod recently purchased.  We agreed to have the trail on the back side of that property but after some discussion with Bobby is sounds like he would like it in another area but Zubrod is not in agreement with the new area.  Discussion took place and it will still in the original location.

Review Monthly Bills/Reports Finance Director Richterreported we are at $2,383,808.22 with MRES at $459,000, purchase of Valley Implements at $470,000, BND debt $348,400, Bluescope for the Fire Hall addition invoice of $78,000, Infrastructure and construction was $372,000 the other two sirens were $21,500.  Payroll was high at $428,000 due to paying the annual fire department payment.

Discuss Image & Enhancement and Food and Beverage Grant Requirements

City Administrator Crawford requested we change the name of the Food and Beverage Grant to the Valley City Tourism Grant due to people not being clear on what the grant is for.  Reading it now it seems it’s for restaurants but it’s not.  The other is that for $1000-$5000 they are required to provide their financial information.  Many have decided not to apply due to this, they are concerned in providing this information for their competition to see.  It’s also cumbersome for $1000, there is no encouragement to apply. 

Commissioner Gulmon added that the two most critical things required should be that the taxes are paid and credit check.

Decision was made to change the name of the grant and removing the requirement to provide financial statements.

Discuss Request for a Path/Trail along Wintershow Road

Chad from KLJ stated this was discussed as a need at the Longest Table event.  We have a few letters of support for a trail along the road.  The discussion happened before the grant information opened up through the DOT.  The application has a deadline of December 31st, 2021 and the funding is for the 2025 construction season.

Discuss Benches on Main

City Administrator Crawford stated we found out that we cannot put anything on the sidewalk areas that are the white concrete because of ADA.  So originally the thought was to put the benches with backs against the buildings but now that can’t be done and if we set them on the red they don’t work well.  We’d like to get backless benches on Main and move the ones with the backs on Central.

Discuss recommendations from the Special Assessment Commission regarding the 5th Ave NW Reconstruction Project.

Deputy Auditor Klein stated the Special Assessment Commission met last Wednesday night and had the hearing for 5th Ave N. They were fine with the amounts listed but if you saw in the minutes they had recommendations.  They would like the city to work on the landscaping, grass on the boulevards and the other was about the seal coat.  They would like it completed sooner than later and the city pick up the cost of that sealcoat.

Commissioner Bishop asked if we are able to withhold payment from the contractors until they fix the issues.

Chad from KLJ stated we are withholding 2% of the contract, we do still have punch list items that need addressing.

Discuss Stan Ryan Easement

City Administrator Crawford stated basically there was an easement previously developed with Stan and he no longer wants it developed that way.  City Administrator Crawford presented another drawing that has been discussed that will allow further development in that area.


The meeting was adjourned at ­4:53 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

9.7.2021 Finance Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, and Commissioner Gulmon.

Department Reports

Water Superintendent Hesch reported that usage for August peaked on the 18th at 1,381,000 gallons.  The total pumpage from January 1st to current is 33,254,000 and the average daily pumpage so far for the year is 1,108,000.  It’s usually around 700,000-800,000 but due to the weather it’s up.

Fire Chief Magnuson reported the pumper will be gone for about a month.  The paint is starting to crack and it’s under warranty but it will take about a month to get it fixed.  The rural board is allowing us to move their pumper up to that spot and hopefully in about 2 weeks the new pumper will be here.  They will be marking the catalytic converters on some of our trucks this week.  Preconstruction meeting for the addition is on Thursday, site work is slated to start on the 13th.  Sunday is the 9/11 motorcycle ride with Gwen as our speaker.  Extinguishers billed out was $2474.82 and we didn’t get $1000 billed out yet for this month. 

Police Chief Hatcher reported that dispatch has moved.  There was also another resignation in the department.  The officer is moving to highway patrol.

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported 2 outages for the month.  One was lightening and the other was failed cutout.  Installing sirens for the fire department.    

President Carlsrud moved to item 5 and 7.

Discuss EV Charging Station

Superintendent Senf stated there has been questions if we will have one.  Superintendent Senf recommended waiting as he is pretty sure the three main dealerships in town will have to put them in on their own and maybe a couple of gas stations.  If we were to do one it would have to be a fast charge and that would be around $80,000 without including the installation or wiring.  Also Tesla installs their own charging stations approximately 200 miles apart due to them having a different type of plug.  You could put one in for about $6,000 but it’s a minimum of 5 hours to charge so if you put that down town, who’s going to stick around for 5 hours to charge their car?  Senf recommends holding off on installing the stations at this time.

Discuss Increase in Cost WAPA Substation Repairs

Superintendent Senf said WAPA asked for additional $80,000 for the sub.  The electrical department can do some of the work if everyone’s okay with it.  It would save about $100,000.  Commission decided to let the electrical department try it and go from there.

Operations Superintendent Klemisch reported there is still an open position in the sanitation department.  We received the cameras to go on the garbage trucks.  Also a reminder of the 32 gallon can limit.

Street department received their new graders and are ready to put them to work.  Also working on some curb stops and old maintenance issues. 

Finance Director Richter stated we changed our agenda format. 

City Administrator Crawford added that Bobby Koepplin had a request to get tree prices on trees for a grant the Beautification Committee had gotten.  The request has been reviewed and there were a couple of changes so at this time it has been sent back to him with the requested changes.

Review monthly bills/reports

Finance Director Richter reported $2.3 million in expenditures for August.  $283,000 in PFP because of purchasing the maintenance building and also the two vacant properties.  The new equipment lease for $68,000, BND some PFP debt service due for another $64,000, invoice for the FD addition for $53,000, construction projects are around $750,000 and MRES is another $460,000.   

Discuss Gravity Drain by the Elks

Chad Petersen from KLJ stated they plan to increase the capacity of the storm sewer system along Main Street.  We have reached out to contractors for pricing and suppliers for availability of materials.  We have found one contractor to do the work this fall.  The issues are we are already in September and we don’t know what kind of fall we’ll have.  We’re recommending waiting until this spring to complete the project.  This project will be KLJ’s project and no dollars will come from the city.

Discuss Removing Cats from Lease Law Requirement

City Administrator Crawford stated there have been requests to remove cats. 

Police Chief Hatcher stated he always thought it was silly to have a leash on a cat but he feels the “animal at large” would still apply if the cat was caught outside their house. 

Review offer to sell City Lot Located North of West Main Street in NP Additions 5 and 6

City Administrator Crawford stated his offer is the same amount but there is an additional section to make the access work.  The other thing requested is that he knows the closing will take a bit so he is requesting to do dirt work prior to closing.  City Administrator Crawford recommended accepting the offer.

City Attorney Martineck stated we would have him sign some sort of agreement so if everything falls through and he already started the dirt work we would be protected.

Ordinance Review

President Carlsrud stated there are several ordinances that are no longer valid.  We will want to start going through and cleaning them up.

Discuss Retirement

City Administrator Crawford stated there has been discussions about different options such as NDPERS.  I would like to have Carl look into it to see what a better option is.  Anyone who is currently employed can choose what plan they want.


The meeting was adjourned at ­4:35 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

8.3.2021 Finance Meeting Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, and Commissioner Gulmon.

Department Reports

Electrical Superintendent Senf working on straitening poles and replacing a couple of lines as well.  There were 4 outages, 1 bird, 1 tree and 2 squirrels.  Goal is to complete downtown sub next fall.  There is a request to put security cameras on the new poles in the Rosebud parking lot.  Dickey Rural Network will quote it but before they do they want to know that it’s not going to be something that won’t be allowed.

Water Superintendent Hesch reported that it is still very dry and I do see a lot of usage in the night so that’s good that people are watering at night.  Right now it doesn’t seem that we will have to go on a water restriction.  No concerns with algae bloom since we have the satellite.   

Sanitation Supervisor Swart reported that they are finished screening the compost so they have some really nice black dirt.  We are also looking to hire another employee. 

Operations Superintendent Klemisch reported water and sewer department has been working with the electrical crew upgrading some motors in the lift stations.  We’ll probably be looking at painting the lines next week. 

Discuss Offering for Sale Lots 63-3450012 and 63-3440047.

City Administrator Crawford stated we have an individual interested in purchasing 63-3440047 and a small section of 63-3450012 at $48,200.  The assessed value is $49,200 plus a little more for the extra feet into the other plat.  They need to figure out some information with the DOT regarding the right of way which may take several months, so at this time there is not a time line as to when he would build on it. 

Commissioners requested additional information to better determine the value of the property.

Review Preliminary Budget.

Finance Director Richter stated we do have a change on CVB but it doesn’t affect the mil.

Mary Lee Nielson stated they are in process of looking for a new Marketing Rep for town but in order to do that we are asking to change the payment for the parking lot to $5,000/year so the other portion can be put towards that position.  It’s the same amount in full just spread out for a longer period of time.

Review Monthly Bills and Reports.

We are at $1.9 million for monthly expenditures for July.  We had 3 payrolls, busy in the construction season and those are the majority.  That brings us down to our regular operating charges.

Fire Extinguisher Services Financial Report.

Net income is right around $8500.

Discuss Policy Manual Change.

City Attorney Martineck stated he would like to update our policy to align better with the state’s guidelines and define eligible members that the sick leave can be used on.

Review NDDOT Draft 2022-2025 Valley City Urban Roads Program.

Chad Petersen reported last week the DOT sent out the draft for their Urban Roads Program.  Discussion took place to change 5th St NW to a later timeframe and add 2nd Ave NE to 3rd St NE project so I am looking for confirmation that is still the plan so we can let the DOT know.

Discuss Bids for the Master Lift Station Upgrades Project.

Chad Petersen stated bids were open back in July 16th.  One bid was received at $464,000, engineers estimate was about $230,000.  We’re over the budget for the year and due to the timeline of everything it may be best for the city to reject and rebid this fall.

Discuss General Resolution that Authorizes the City Administrator to Sell City Property if it’s below a Given Amount and Determine Given Amount.

City Administrator Crawford said this is for personal property under a certain value, not real estate.  Commission agreed that $2500 was a good amount.


The meeting was adjourned at ­4:48 PM.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

6.1.2021 Finance Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson (3:40), and Commissioner Gulmon.

Department Reports

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported one outage.  Finished up the underground in Webster Subdivision.  Finished the alley rebuild and will be getting some locates called in Donny’s subdivision.  Bad news is that our downtown sub, one transformer is out of commission.  Waiting for a quote from HDR.  I would like to convert it to a 115 line vs the 69 line so reinsulate some new poles and possibly a transformer.

Sanitation Supervisor Swart reported the numbers for clean-up week.  We brought in 164.10 tons of garbage since September’s clean-up week and inert was 77.74 tons.

Kevin Jacobson reported for the street department.  Stated there was a little bit of a pressure problem but that’s worked out.  Seemed to be a bad PRV.  We’re working with Grotberg on getting the fire pumps up on both Crestwood and the Industrial Park. 

Water Superintendent Hesch reported the demand for water is going up.  We trying to let people know if they are going to water, please do it in the morning or evening so it can soak into the ground.  Try not to water every day.  Your grass needs to learn to handle the stress in case there is a reason any restrictions have to go on in the future.  Also, for those that fertilize your grass with your hose, get a vacuum breaker on your hose so there isn’t any chance of the fertilizer getting sucked back into the hose and ending up in the system.

Fire Chief Magnuson stated the Fire Department will be holding their Dedication Ceremony June 19th.

Police Chief Hatcher reported they did some interviews for the open position.  We now have two open positions as another officer has submitted her resignation.  We’ve worked through a few junk areas with the Street Department.  The notices are going out and we’re notifying them and have been trying to work with them to get it cleaned up.

Review monthly bills/reports   

We have just under $1.3 million in bills and expenditures for May.

Discuss NDDOT Urban Grant Program

Chad Petersen from KLJ we have tapped into this program with the Phase I project on Central Ave along with the current project on Main Street.  This is a competitive grant program.  When we started we were just looking at using it for the Streetscape project but there are other components that are in the focus area that could benefit from this.  I wanted to see if there is interest in pursuing this.

Discuss Change Orders for 7th and 2nd

City Administrator Crawford stated change orders will be presented differently than before.  Instead of just one lump sum of a change order at the end we will discuss the change orders as we go so everyone can understand where they are coming from.  The first one is us contracting out removal of trees in order to get to the services.  The next one was the manholes.  We had to go up sizes on the pipes and make the manholes bigger because of the pipes.  There’s no way to know this until you get down to in there to see it.  The next was we knew how many services we had but we didn’t know a lot of the PVC pipe went from a house to clean-up.  There were about 14 services that looked like they would be PVC but when they got in there it was clay tile.  Approval was given for the clay tile being replaced with PVC. 

Discuss 2nd Ave SE in Front of Senior Center

City Administrator Crawford stated this was actually going to be done last fall with the project on 5th but with the plant shutting down early due to the snow it didn’t get done.  Now we have two different projects going on with two different companies that we’ll get quotes done and then it will be done in October.  The money had already been set aside but we may get a better deal this year.

Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

4.6.2021 Finance Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, and Commissioner Gulmon.

Others present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Deputy Auditor Klein, Public Works Accountant/Manager Jacobson, City Assessor Hansen, Fire Chief Magnuson, Police Chief Hatcher, Chad Petersen from KLJ, Electrical Superintendent Senf, Operations Superintendent Klemisch, Sanitation Supervisor Swart, Water Superintendent Hesch

1.  Commission Topics

            b. Discuss Housing Incentives.

            Discussion took place around Housing Incentives.

            a. Discuss Funds for Dam Signage.

            Discussion took place regarding the City Engineer position.

2.  Department Reports:

            Water Superintendent Hesch reported we have been getting updated rules on the lead and copper     revision.  There will be more testing and a big part of it will be doing an inventory of each house in       town.  We’ll have to see what their feed is into their houses.

            Electrical Superintendent Senf reported only one outage due to a squirrel last month.  The guys are   pulling the underground lines for the Fine Arts Building.  We had an issue with the rolling black outs.      The downtown sub worked perfectly, the south sub we have a bank of batteries and when the power       goes out the way it did we have no way of controlling the breakers.  When they kicked us on, everything came on at once and we saw a spike in our peak.  Presented the three quotes for batteries. Cable and transformer quotes and stated his recommendations.  Electrical Superintendent      Senf also requested increasing his spending limit.  The quotes are only good for seven days and by the        time it goes through for approval it’s passed that time.

            Sanitation Supervisor Swart reported we have a new employee, Troy Redding, and are now fully      staffed.  A couple of reminders on the 24 hour collection site.  We have seen an increase of wood            going instead of just trees.  It is for grass and leaves on the east side and branches on the west side.  Also, do not put dirty wood chips or anything in the wood chip pile.  That’s for residents to come and    take and use and we have had people dumping sawdust, scrap pieces of wood, gravel and dirt.  We do      have cameras are picking up some of this.  We had a gentleman that dumped fence posts in the tree branches and he did have to come back and clean it up and haul it into the landfill.  Clean up week is   May 24th-28th.  Please make sure garbage is out by 7AM and keep the areas clean around the            dumpsters. 

            City Administrator Crawford added starting cleanup week early is not allowed.  If there are couches,               other items out on the curb they will be sent a letter asking to clean it up or we will go ahead and do            that for them but it will be at a 2-person lift fee which is $35.

             Operations Superintendent Kelmisch reported the well has been drilled and the stem is in place.       Our plan is to go straight west from the well and tie in the pipe we have there.  We don’t have a date            yet, it will probably be another month or so.  The old site will be capped and we plan to use the panel           for the new one.  We started crack sealing Main Street for the upcoming seal coat this summer.  After          that we’ll probably move on to painting to freshen up Main Street and some other down town areas.

Fire Chief Magnuson reported fire extinguisher services have been great.  We got back into our training program which is good.  It’s been nice to have everyone back together.  We picked our new officers for the year, I will get that emailed.  We met with the County Commission this morning about the building.  They basically declined the dollar amount and now want to work on a rental agreement.  They did extend the burn ban with the stipulations that they will enforce the penalty.  It was relayed to the Sheriff’s office to write a $1500 ticket if you are burning. 

Police Chief Hatcher reported the windows have been put in the police station.

3.-6. Were covered in Electrical Superintendent Senf’s department report.   

7.  Discuss Forester-Employee vs Contractor.

            City Attorney Martineck stated it will be a little more than that.  To start with the Forester is a                   position.  We’re expected to pay him about $7,200 this year plus the cost of tools and      reimbursement for a couple of training programs.  When we looked into it more it seemed like            there would be some overlapping on what we would have an employee do compared to an      independent contractor and he’s really bordering on an employee.  There’s a proposed salary     schedule if we created a part-time, seasonal employee.  We created an E21 Forester position.  It      would be step 1 to step 25 like every other position except instead of a step increase every year, it          would be a step increase every 5 years.  There would still be a COLA increase every year as long as approved by the Commission.  We would be looking at 350 hours/year max so we’d be well           below where we’d have to pay health insurance or any other benefits. In order to get it at            approximately the $7,250 where he’d be contracted at, we’d probably place the current forester at step 10 or 11 which would be $21/hr.  At 20 hours a week from May 15th –September 15th there     would be about 348 hours and then he also said he would be willing to do some work in the off             season which is expected to be under 10 hours.  Over the course of the year if you paid him at      $21/ hour is would be about $7300 versus $7250.  The only other changes would be a slight   increase to WSI and then the employment taxes.  Also wanted to touch on 2 other positions.  The        first is the seasonal Public Works laborer.  It’s been starting at $11/hr.  It’s not competitive       anymore.  The proposal is to add a new position with a formal job description.  Put it on the           salary schedule stating at $14 max of $16.  There would be a COLA increase annually if          improved by the commission and we would give credit to those that come back.  The other is an   increase to the Sanitation Specialist I.  There would be a new A13 level for people that get their        Class A CDL.  The idea is to add a level where a sanitation employee with a Class A CDL would        get a $1 differential per hour.

8.  Discuss Road to Landfill Coop. 

            City Administrator Crawford stated there was discussion on the road to the land fill.  The township said at one time there was an oral agreement no one has any proof of anything so we            said let’s move forward.  We came to the agreement that the City will put the gravel on the road           and the cost for that will be split in half.  The County will grade it and we will be adding chloride        and the cost of the chloride will be split.  The chloride for year two will be provided by the City and going forward everything will be equally split.  This will only be up to the landfill gate.

9.  Quarterly Review of City Engineer Contract.

            City Administrator Crawford stated she took the engineering invoices and compared them to what            our contract for the year will be and for the quarterly report.  For now everything is still in      accordance with what we are looking.  Going forward we may swap the planning portion of what        their max is and the general engineered but as long as the full portion is still $87,000 that’s the most important part.

10.  VCFD Building Update-covered in Fire Chief Magnuson’s department report.

11.  Discuss Utility Bills Staying with the Property.

            PW Manager Jacobson reported we have customers that don’t want to pay.  Looking back to     2017, since then we have turned over $71,700 of bad debt to our collection agency.  In our    current process the fees we pay if they collected everything for us would be $25,000 that we     would be out of the money that we shouldn’t have been.   Currently we have collected just over     $17,000.  Even if we collect it or they collect it, if we sent it to them they still get their fee.  We          still have $54,000 remaining in debt and the older it gets the less chance there is of us collecting. 

            City Administrator Crawford continued that a lot of this comes from people moving out and not   paying their final bills.  I would like to propose that we do an ordinance change that the bills stay        with the property.  So if someone rents the home and moves out and doesn’t pay the bill that is on            the homeowner, not the City.  If you’re looking at it from a taxpayers viewpoint, that’s $70,000   that could have been going through the City helping with other things.  The other part is that if          someone gets their water or electricity shut off and no one lives there for a couple years that has         to get caught up before it gets turned back on so you’re guaranteed to get that money back.    Another thing that may be a little different is if a realtor is looking to sell a certain property they   would call over to check if there was an outstanding balance on utilities and put it as part of the        closing. 

12.  Discuss Resolution for Modifications to the Electric Rates.

            PW Manager Jacobson stated that we are asking for a change to the resolution on the electric       rates.  We are not asking to increase the rate.  We just want some housekeeping type changes.  The only change to a rate is on page 3.  We’re asking to change the Green Energy Adder rate.     Moving it from 0.5 cents per KWH to 0.1 cent per KWH based on what we are getting charged from MRES.  The other changes are just to wording on the lighting rentals and putting back in wording for the large power demand credit.

            City Attorney Martineck added that the last paragraph of the resolution should be taken out.


The meeting was adjourned at ­4:24 PM.